Managing groups

Add group

  1. Log on to the Adminpanel

  2. Go to the tab Groups

  3. Select Create group

  4. Enter group name

  5. Select which account the group should belong to

  6. Edit location (optional)

  7. Create

Add users to a group

  1. Log on to the Adminpanel

  2. Go to the tab Groups

  3. Click on the group name of the group you want to edit

  4. Select Group members

  5. Add users

Delete group

  1. Log on to the Adminpanel

  2. Go to the tab Groups

  3. Click on the three dots to the far right of the group.

  4. Select Delete

Note! Groups linked to an alarm cannot be deleted until the link to the alarm is removed. Do this under alarm settings and then delete the group.